- P -
Pain Control - Modern Metal with gothic and industrial elements
Pain of Soul - Doom/Gothic Metal
Pale (Che) - Gothic Metal
Palpatine Rising - Gothic Doom metal
Pandora's Blade - Gothic Metal
Parade of Souls - Black Metal (early)/Gothic (now)
Paradise Lost - Doom/Death Metal (old), Gothic Rock/Metal (new)
Paragon of Beauty - Gothic Doom Metal
Patunum - Gothic Metal
Pechal' - Gothic/Doom Metal
Penumbra (Fra) - Gothic Metal
Perdition (Nor) - Gothic Metal
Perfidia - Gothic/Death Metal
Periadam - Gothic Metal
Persecution (Ger) - Gothic/Death Metal
Pétal - Gothic/Dark Metal
Pettalom - Gothic Metal
Phobos Corporation - Gothic Metal
Pik - Gothic/Death/Doom Metal
Pilgrim - Death Metal, Gothic Metal
Pillars of Eternity - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Pipers Dawn - Melodic Doom/Gothic Metal
Plague Project - Gothic Metal
Plenilunio - Doom/Gothic metal
Poena Dare - Doom/Death/Gothic Metal
Poetry - Doom/Gothic Metal
Poisonblack - Gothic Metal
Polynove Pole - Gothic/Death/Doom Metal
Posithrone - Melodic Doom/Dark/Gothic Metal
Potra - Gothic/Heavy Metal
Praetorian Platoon - Gothic Metal
Prey (Hol) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Priestess (Ger) - Gothic/Power Metal
Primanocta - Gothic/Black Metal
Proclivity Gloom - Gothic Metal
Profanes - Progressive Gothic/Folk Metal
Projekt K8 - gothic metal/rock
Promises - Gothic/Power Metal
Promontory (Pol) - Progressive Gothic Metal
Prophecy (Can) - Gothic Metal
Prophecy (Prt) - Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Puertas Negras - Black/Gothic Metal
Puk - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Pulse of Dawn - Doom/Gothic Metal